Booking Form
Assessing Governance Effectiveness and Culture
Royal Yacht Hotel
Date: October 4, 2022
Start Time: 7:20 am
End Time: 9:30 am
CPD Time:
Cost: £55.00

Assessing Governance Effectiveness and Culture
Comsure, with its governance partner, CoSteer, is hosting on 5th October a "DO NOT MISS" event about governance effectiveness [AKA good governance] and how you should measure and comply with JFSC regulatory rules but, more importantly, make your business better.
1. Good governance ensures that an organisation's environment is open and transparent, and employees can be held accountable for their actions and, at the same time, feel psychologically safe. It's also the key driver for sustainable long-term growth and compliance.
2. It is also a concept that JFSC-regulated Jersey entities must tangibly and periodically measure.
1. Delegates must understand the needs of the JFSC, which require all registered business to:-
a. Undertake a regular review of all aspects of corporate governance arrangements and
b. Undertake a periodic assessment of the board's effectiveness.
c. Consider what barriers (including cultural barriers) exist to prevent the operation of effective systems and controls (including policies and procedures)
2. In completing the above-registered business
a. Must take adequate measures to address the findings
The workshop will provide a concise [using empirical, evidential data] understanding of organisational governance and culture and how to assess them.
The workshop covers areas such as:
1. How to measure governance and provide boards, senior managers [the leadership team] and other stakeholders [e.g. Regulators] with crucial information to make more strategic and resourced based decisions to maximise reputation and, yes, return on investment
2. Understanding the interconnection and measurable outcomes between;
a. The purpose of your organisation;
b. The values of employees and the behaviour exhibited;
c. The resulting culture from the above [a & b].
3. And to support the above objective, the workshop will look at:-
a. The mistakes of a tick box approach
b. The evidence of good governance and the global shift in governance and organisational culture [FRC, BRT, ISO, KING IV, FCA, and many others]
c. The importance and science behind "purpose and values-based" governance
d. How humans make decisions as individuals and as groups and how your organisational culture influences this.
You will leave the workshop with an action plan and key messages to your organisation, including:
1. A practical model of good governance that will show all the interconnected elements that need to be measured.
2. A simple 'What next" plan of action for your 2022/23 JFSC codified governance assessment
3. Also, information on:-
a. An increased understanding of how governance is a performance driver as well as providing the outcome of compliance
b. Insight and understanding into how we as humans make decisions and how to utilise this knowledge to support better decision-making throughout your organisation
c. A table showing the critical shifts in governance globally and how this is likely to impact regulatory expectations
- Any person:
a. Responsible for steering [governing] their boat [business] and want a comprehensive, innovative, and evidence-based way of working towards Governance, Risk and Compliance.
b. Who wants to learn how to incorporate a systems approach with transparent monitoring of progress and emphasise the importance of organisational culture,
c. Who wants to stop ticking boxes and meaningless spreadsheets
d. Who wants to re-position governance as a driver of financial performance in the long-term
e. Who sees that organisational purpose as being at the heart of good governance
2. Also,
a. Regulators, Auditors, Lawyers and other Governance Advisors.
• Perrin Carey - The governance guy.
a. Perrin is the Founder and CEO of CoSteer.
b. He is a human governance researcher, exercise physiologist, teacher and speaker. Also a Trail runner, physical trainer, Buddhist practitioner and Writer and blogger
• Mathew Beale - The compliance guy.
a. Founder and principal of Comsure Compliance Limited
• Royal Yacht, St Helier, Jersey
• 2 hrs.
• 5th October 2022
a. 7.45-8.15 – registration, networking and croissants [also healthy bites available]
b. 8.20 – start
c. 10.30 – finish
• £55.00 per person
a. Three or more bookings by a single firm will qualify for a 10% discount on the total cost.
You can book online, or email –